

The Legacy 5.14 scholarship program help students gain access to higher education. Increasing young people’s educational attainment is a critical factor for Greater Buffalo’s growth. Thanks to generous donors, we have helped many students develop and contribute their passions and talents to our community. Scholarships are awarded based on various criteria, including overcoming life’s obstacles and academic achievement.

Scholars Are Chosen Based On:

  • GPA: Student maintained an academic average of a consistent 85 average or above.
  • Financial need: Students must come from a low to middle class household.
  • Geography:  Restricted to City of Buffalo residents and students.
  • Demographics: Student must demonstrate a true concern for the community and thus exhibit a true civic spirit.
  • Field of interest: We are actively seeking students who meet the technological entrepreneurial spirit of Lt. Aaron Salters (i.e., innovation, as well as a proven interest in community service.

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